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Copy of ROCS End of Year Update

Royal Oak Community School

June 14th, 2024

Dear Royal Oak Families,

It is hard to believe that we are now at the end of another fantastic year at Royal Oak Community School. Even though this is the end of my fifth year here, it feels like it’s still my first year. The year has been so busy with so many memorable activities and events that we can not possibly list them all here. It is a good thing that we have documented them in the monthly newsletters so that we can go back and enjoy every minute. 

In this newsletter, we have recapped the wonderful time at Camp Wenonah and Week Without Walls, the success of our fundraising efforts over the year, our Caribou Contest class front runners for the last contest, some upcoming important dates and links to the ROCS Summer Academy.

Please be on the lookout for the final student progress reports that will be live on Toddle today at 3:30pm along with emails home to those that have Individual Learning Plans. If there are any questions about the reports, please reach out to your child’s teacher. The staff will be at the school the week of June 17th cleaning up, reorganizing and attending professional development opportunities. If there is a need to get in touch with us, you can contact Admin. A reminder that re-enrollment fees are due and invoices will be out to families in July. Class emails with supply lists, parent handbook and teacher welcome note will be sent out by August 12th at the latest. Please be on the lookout for this.

As we close this school year, I would like to take the opportunity to say again, how thankful I am for the loving support of this community. I am so proud of the work our staff and students have accomplished this year and I am so excited to see what is coming up in September.

Thank you again and have a wonderful summer.

Laureen Dennis, Acting Head of School 

Week Without Walls

To say Week Without Walls was a success this year would be an understatement! Students had an absolute BLAST engaging with community members, participating in hands-on activities, and soaking up the (mostly) beautiful weather! We welcomed back some fan-favourites, including Cows Ice Cream, lunch at The Angel Inn, and Mad Science. We also added in some new experiences including visiting the NOTL fire station, having an ambulance come to the school, and exploring the NOTL Public Library. While we had to make some last-minute changes to our plans, we made the most of our final day with a school Slip 'N Slide and Kiddie Pool day, finishing off the week in our comfy PJs watching "Thelma the Unicorn". We hope the entire group enjoyed the week as much as we did. Only 355 days until Week Without Walls 2025

Camp Fun!

This year, the Grades 3 to 8 had a blast at Camp Wenonah. This is the fourth year that we have gone to Camp Wenonah and it did not disappoint. Everyday was scheduled with fun and challenging activities that the students enjoyed. We swam, climbed walls, paddle boarded, kayaked and hiked. The students learned how to build a fire, make sun catchers and ate s’mores. Students said their favourite parts were exploring the wilderness, making animal friends, doing the water activities, and playing the survival game that had everyone running around finding coloured beads. It was a wonderful experience and a great way to end this year at ROCS.

End of Year Caribou Front Runners

Every month, ROCS students from primary to upper middle take part in the Caribou International Math Challenge. The students use this opportunity to extend their abilities and to engage in thought-provoking and “out of the box” application questions that are geared towards their levels.

Our Caribou Math Challenge Class Leaders for the end of the year are:

Primary: Evan K.

Primary Junior: Seren K.

Junior Middle: Josiah S.

Upper Middle:  Lev. P

Community Bake Sale Fundraiser for Camp Wenonah and Week Without Walls 

On Saturday, May 11th, ROCS held its third annual community bake sale. We had such a great turnout of family, students and community members. We had delicious baked goods, raffle items and handicrafts for sale. The weather held out until about 2pm when we had to close up shop because of the rain and wind. All totaled, the school made over $2800 from the bake sale and the coffee cafe mornings. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers and those who donated items. 

ROCS Summer Academy

Registration is still open on our website but spots are limited.

 Please visit 

 Summer Academy to learn more or to register for our Academic Day Camps for ages 4 to 8. 

 A Look Ahead at ROCS:

August 2024

September 2024

Have an amazing summer ROCS Families!!!


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