Student Life
We are dedicated to providing a safe, supportive, and low teacher-student ratio environment.
Students at Royal Oak enjoy small class sizes, ample green space to play and run, and extracurricular opportunities for students as young as aged 4. Our programming also includes enriched French instruction starting in JK.​
A Safe Environment
Royal Oak is truly an inclusive and kind environment, and prides itself on teaching compassion, and conflict resolution skills. Royal Oak teachers make "teachable moments" a priority, and ensure self regulartion and social emotional learning are core parts of our curriculum. ​
Good Personal Hygiene
Children at Royal Oak are taught good personal hygiene, and are guided to wash their hands five times a day, at each break and upon entering and leaving the building. Hand sanitizer will be available for each classroom for children to use. We have 6 HEPA filters in our school, plenty of natural air and light and encourage sick children to stay ome until they are well. We protect our community!​
Cleaning and Disinfecting
Daily sanitization occurs at Royal Oak, in conjunction with deep regular cleaning. All surfaces are wiped down in classrooms and shared areas with an EcoLogo-certified Green product approved for use in Canada. Frequently touched surfaces are disinfected two additional times a day.
We know children need opportunities for exercise, play, and social interaction. Royal Oak has an active intramural program, and each term holds 7 different clubs before and after school in order to promote skill development, social opportunities, and exposure to arts and athletic programs. The student council consists of peer-elected members and volunteers, this provides a means for student expression and leadership in the school.
Local Lunches
Most Thursdays, families will have the option of ordering a delicious and healthy lunch which will be delivered to the school from a local business. Royal Oak also partners approximately once a month with a local restaurant to provide an out of school, dine in experience for the students which has become a very anticipated and fun outing!
Academic Opportunities
Students are encouraged to participate in international math, essay writing, speech, and art competitions.